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    Phideo Support


    A QR code is a unique identifier that can be placed on an item to link it to a specific URL.

    A QR code is the most universal way to link your photos to your videos.

    It activates and launches a video on top of a physical photo.

    It’s an augmented experience that embeds a digital video on a physical photo. Using your smartphone you can watch the “hidden” video.

    People continue to find creative ways to use the phideo app. We’ve seen it used in photo albums, greeting cards, and wall pictures. For marketing purposes we’ve seen people use it for business cards, flyers, t-shirts, posters, and even billboards. Don’t limit yourself, any printed picture is a potential phideo!

    You can print a phideo any size you like, but we recommend you choose the appropriate size from the app before downloading. The reason there are multiple sizes available is related to the size of the QR Code. Obviously we want to keep it as small as possible in your picture. Choose the appropriate size for optimum print quality.

    We are currently investigating a web option, but this would probably be used more for larger companies who want to use the application for marketing purposes. The app is great for personal use applications.

    At this time there is no Android version.

    For digital applications, the following specification assumes a 1080p display.

    • Minimum digital QR code size 240 pixels at 72 dpi

    Keep in mind that the minimum code size will need to increase depending on the distance between the code and the person scanning.

    Choose from one of the options available in the app before downloading it.

    The image is saved to your photo library. Please make sure you download the specific size that you want to print.

    You can download the picture from your app, then email that picture to your computer. Open the picture up on your computer and use your phone to scan that photo QR Code with the phideo app. If everything is working as it should you’ll see a video playing on your phone where the photo should be.

    In order to see your friends on the app, you first need to search for them and invite them to connect. If they accept your invitation you can start to experience private phideos with them.

    There are a number of things that could be wrong with your phideo. The most common issues are related to printing the QR code too small. If your camera is unable to scan the code, it wont be able to play the video on top of the photo. Please choose the correct print size before downloading it and printing.

    Memories Can Flow

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    More than a memory…it’s an experience!

    Bring your greeting cards to life with a video greeting embedded in your photo. Those framed photos on your walls can delight future generations with the ability to easily hear and see family members long gone.

      Mobile app that uses image recognition to allow users to attach video to a particular photo.

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